The Sobbing Horn

Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, is observed in a way that is very distinct from all other types of New year's. Instead of being a day of partying, it is a day of reflection.

One common trait between the two holidays is the fact that many make New Year's resolutions, but aside from that, they are worlds apart. When one thinks about Rosh HaShanah, the vision and sound of the shofar-blowing certainly occupies a central aspect of the day's observances. The Torah commands us to blow the shofar on Rosh HaShanah day, but does not explain why this mitzvah is associated so closely with this day. For that explanation, we turn to the Talmud.
The mitzvah to hear the shofar on Rosh HaShanah is not as simple as many imagine. It is not just one sound to which we listen. Instead, there is a whole series of sounds. Our custom is to listen to at least 100 sounds of the shofar on each day of the holiday (except if one of the days is Shabbat).
There are three distinct sounds that are formed. They are called tekiah,shevarim and teruah. The tekiah is the single long burst of the shofar, the shevarim are three medium bursts and the teruah is at least nine short bursts.
The different types of sounds are meant to represent different kinds of crying. Why do we copy the sound of crying? Inorder to instill within us a feeling of remorse for our past misdeeds and to move us to seek a closer relationship with G‑d.
The shofar-blowing is done towards the end of the morning service on Rosh HaShanah after the Torah reading. Throughout the Musaf service we pause to hear the blowing. It is over the course of this portion of the service that three different sets of blowing occur, each with its own theme.The three themes are malchiyotshofrot, andzichronot.
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